There's nothing better than coming together as a community to have some fun! Join us at  ViewHouse, 2680 Main St, Littleton, CO 80120 for food, drinks, and games. 

Your $20 ticket supports our mission and includes drinks and all the heavy hors d'oeuvres your heart desires. 

All event proceeds will go towards supporting our mission to care for moms facing unplanned and difficult pregnancies. We look forward to seeing you!

Bella's Mission make people whole: body, mind, and soul by ensuring our clinic can:

1. Provide pro-life and dignified health care to all.

2. Exercise our right to medical conscience to provide morally sound medical care.

3. Thrive as an independent medical clinic, inspire the next generation of medical providers, and reclaim Christ's ministry in healing. 


Single Ticket (Sold Out)

This ticket will give you full access to food, drinks, and games!

Sold Out

Recurring Gift

Total: $0.00

Suggested Amounts

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  • Discover
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